Sexual Assault



Being under investigation or arrested for sexual assault or another sex offense can be life-changing.

Even if the charge is dismissed, your reputation can be tarnished forever. If the claim is false or exaggerated, much of the damage is already done.

If you are convicted, penalties are likely to include prison time and possible lifetime registration on the sex offender registry.

Because of the harsh consequences associated with sexual offenses, you need a strong and effective advocate on your side as soon as you are arrested.



Serious Representation In Sexual Offense Cases

If you have been contacted by the police or an investigator, do not speak with them without the advice of an attorney. Doing so may place you at great risk.

An experienced sexual assault attorney will get to work immediately to limit the damage.

We start by trying to prevent charges from being filed or getting the case dismissed. If that’s not possible, we will attempt to minimize the media fallout and build a strong defense in preparation for a trial.

Either way, we aim to protect your reputation and to clear your name if you have been wrongly accused of sexual assault or another sex crime.

At Houston & Alexander, PLLC, our sex crime attorneys have the necessary experience, legal knowledge and skills to successfully fight the charges against you.

Johnny Houston and Bret Alexander are experienced criminal defense lawyers who are used to aggressively defending people accused of sex crimes.

We can defend you if you are based in eastern Tennessee or northern Georgia and are falsely accused of any type of sex crimes

Types Of Sex Crimes In Tennessee

Most commonly, we defend clients accused of the following types of sex crimes:

Sexual Battery

Sexual battery is unlawful sexual contact, when force, coercion or fraud is used or when the victim does not give consent (and the defendant is aware of this).

Sad Woman Looking at Window — Chattanooga, TN — Houston & Alexander, PLLC

Sexual battery charges could also be filed in cases where a mentally defective, mentally incapacitated or physically helpless individual is involved.

Sexual Battery By An Authority Figure

When the defendant in a sexual battery case was, at the time of the incident, in a position of trust, or had supervisory power over the victim due to legal, professional or occupational status, the charge is more serious.

This charge may also be filed if the victim was between 13 and 18 years of age or if the defendant had parental or custodial authority over the victim.

Aggravated Sexual Battery

Aggravated sexual battery is unlawful sexual contact with a victim when force or coercion is used and the defendant is armed with a weapon, causes bodily injury, or is aided or abetted by one or more other persons.

It also includes crimes where the defendant is aware that the victim is mentally defective, mentally incapacitated or physically helpless or the victim is less than thirteen (13) years of age.


Rape is the unlawful sexual penetration of a victim when either force or coercion is used, no consent is given, the victim is mentally defective, mentally incapacitated or physically helpless, or the sexual penetration is accomplished by fraud.

Statutory Rape

Statutory rape by an authority figure is when the defendant was, at the time of the incident, in a position of trust, or had supervisory power over the victim due to legal, professional or occupational status. This charge is more serious than standard statutory rape.

This charge may also be filed if the defendant had parental or custodial authority over the victim.

Statutory Rape By An Authority Figure

Statutory rape by an authority figure is when the defendant was, at the time of the incident, in a position of trust, or had supervisory power over the victim due to legal, professional or occupational status. This charge is more serious than standard statutory rape.

This charge may also be filed if the defendant had parental or custodial authority over the victim.


Incest is when a person engages in sexual penetration with another person who is known to be their natural parent, child, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, stepparent, stepchild, adoptive parent, adoptive child; or the person’s brother (whole/half-blood or by adoption).

There are many other types of sex crime charges in Tennessee – including internet-based crimes. In almost every case, potential harsh penalties result and serious representation from an experienced sex crime attorney is required.

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Put your case in our experienced hands. Get started now.

Woman Crying — Chattanooga, TN — Houston & Alexander, PLLC

Looking For A Sexual Assault Lawyer In Chattanooga, TN?

If you’ve been charged with a sex crime, it is in your best interest to consult with an experienced attorney immediately.

Call (423) 267-6715 or request a free case evaluation today.


Penalties For Sexual Offenses In Tennessee

The penalties for the offenses described above are as follows:

Sexual Battery

Sexual battery is a Class E felony:
  • From one year up to six years in prison
  • A fine of up to $3,000

Sexual Battery By An Authority Figure

Sexual battery by an authority figure is a Class C felony
  • From three years up to 15 years in prison
  • A fine of up to $10,000

Aggravated Sexual Battery

Aggravated sexual battery is a Class B felony:
  • From eight years up to 30 years in prison
  • A fine of up to $25,000


Rape is a Class B felony:
  • From eight years up to 30 years in prison
  • A fine of up to $25,000

Statutory Rape By An Authority Figure

Statutory rape by an authority figure is a Class C felony.
  • From three years up to 15 years in prison
  • A fine of up to $10,000

Statutory Rape

Statutory rape is a Class E felony:
  • From one year up to six years in prison
  • A fine of up to $3,000


Incest is a Class C felony:
  • From three years up to 15 years in prison
  • A fine of up to $10,000
In some cases of the above crimes, a person found guilty is not eligible for probation or judicial diversion.

Additionally, the law in Tennessee states that all convicted sex offenders must register with the state’s law enforcement agency within 48 hours of release from jail or parole. The duration of registration depends on the nature of the offense.

This makes it essential to hire an experienced sex crime lawyer to fight for your rights and freedoms.

Defending Your Rights And Freedom

At Houston & Alexander, we are ready to be involved in your defense at the start of the criminal charge process.

If we are called early on, we can listen to your version of events, examine the evidence against you, and assist with responding to police questioning. By presenting evidence to the police or prosecutor, we may be able to prevent charges from being filed.

This is the best solution because you are spared the stigma of a criminal sex charge. If you are charged, we can assist with the bail process and start working on your defense. It is, however, only an option if you contact us early in your case.

If you are prosecuted, we will aggressively represent you and work to build a strong case that protects your rights, preserves your freedom, and obtains the best possible outcome for you – even if it goes to trial.

Looking For A Sex Crime Attorney In Chattanooga?

Unfounded or exaggerated accusations can ruin your life.

Protect yourself with a criminal defense team experienced in such cases, familiar with the local court system, and committed to achieving the best possible outcome.

If you have been accused or arrested on suspicion of a sex crime in eastern Tennessee or northern Georgia, contact the Chattanooga office of Houston & Alexander, PLL for a free initial consultation.


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